On behalf of the Ministry of Human Capacities, within the framework of the Csoóri Sándor Programme, the Bethlen Gábor Foundation has been awarded a grant to support community-building genres of folk culture.
Our foundation received a grant of HUF 1 300 000 which can be used to run the Fügevirág folk dance group. This amount will be used to pay the teachers’ fees, as professional folk dance teachers will be working with the students on a weekly basis.
The dance teachers and choreographers are Pillich Balázs and Varga Orsolya. The dance group is led by Szilágyi Róbert. Thank you for their valuable work!
The aim of our foundation is to introduce Hungarian folk culture and folk art values to students, and we consider it important to cultivate and pass on our traditions to several generations.
In addition to the fun and learning, the grant also helped to purchase 6 pieces of folk white shirts for the boys, as these were missing pieces from the wardrobe, and the well-learned steps and the wonderful costumes will enchant the audience.
The last element of our budget concerns the technical part. A laptop has been purchased for the dance group to facilitate rehearsals and performances, providing background music when necessary.
A short introductory film about the Fügevirág folk dance group was also produced, in which the dancers present the dance order of the Mezőség region and some of them explain why folk dance is important to them.
Thank you for the support of the Ministry of Human Capacities and the Csoóri Sándor Fund!