On behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, within the Sándor Csoóri Program, the Bethlen Gábor Foundation had a winning project, the aim of which is to support genres of popular culture.
Our foundation received a grant worth HUF 1,000,000, which was used to manage the popular dance group Fügevirág. This sum was previously used for the instructor’s tax pay, for the extension of the wardrobe of the popular clothes and for the realization of a promotional film.
In the 2022/23 school year, the Fügevirág Folk Dance Group had many new members, as well as a married couple, Bence Tóth and Boglárka Tóth-Bóna, joined the group as folk dance instructors thanks to the Petőfi Program. The folk dance group learned the dance steps and different choreographies from the team leader, Szilagyi Robert and from the beneficiaries of the Petőfi Program, Bence and Bogi.
During the school year, weekly dance rehearsals took place, where they learned the choreography of the shows, as they had several shows, at the local, county level and even across the border.
The first performance of the school year took place at the opening ceremony of the school year:
Then they participated at the “Ősszel érik babám a fekete szőlő” Festival, organized in Oiejdea where they presented folk dances from Sălaj.
They also danced at the ceremony organized for the occasion of Hungarian culture in the hall of Gábor Bethlen College, creating a joyful and energetic atmosphere suitable for the event:
They also danced at the “Tavaszi szél vizet áraszt” Festival organized in Sânmiclauș.
On May 23, they participated at the Meeting of Dance Groups from Alba county, organized in Lopadea Nouă:
The last performance of the school year took place during the Hungarian Days in Alba county:
Promotional video about the Fügevirág Folk Dance Group, which was made possible by the support received:
Thank you for your support, thanks to which we managed to close an interesting school year and our students were enriched with the values of folk art!