Project report – Operating Expenses Aid 2022/23

For the school year 2022/23 we have received a grant of Ron 10.000  from the Communitas Foundation, which can be used to reduce the operating expenses of the Bethlen Gábor Foundation.

As a background institution of the college, our activities have become very diversified over the years, since in addition to providing financial and substantial support to students, preserving the quality of mother tongue education, organizing cultural programs, and maintaining contact with sponsors, we also try to contribute to the beautification and modernization of the college building, so it became necessary to establish a separate office for the operation of our foundation.

This means that the maintenance costs of our Foundation’s registered office  and of the teachers’ apartments owned by the Foundation are a major additional expense for our Foundation.

These expenses include telephone and internet costs for our Foundation, which are essential for efficient administration, home insurance, taxes, office consumables. In addition, overheads are a fixed expense, which is the largest item of expenditure, especially in the winter months. The costs of heating the Foundation’s office and the kitchen in the same building are borne entirely by the Foundation. The kitchen is used very often, especially by the waiters and chefs in training, who spend most of their practical training hours here. As a consequence, we also have to provide heating for them, which is no small expense for our foundation.

Under the grant, part of these expenses were charged to the grant we received from the Communitas Foundation, which is a very good opportunity for our foundation to support the participation fees for events, activities and competitions at the college. The amounts that we do not need to spend on operating  and maintenance costs are used to benefit the students of the college.

Thanks to the support of the Communitas Foundation, our Foundation is on a more stable footing as a self-sustaining organisation and has been able to reduce some significant burdens.


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