Personal Income Tax 3,5%

Donate 3.5% of your income tax to the Bethlen Gábor Foundation

  • By donating your tax to the Bethlen Gábor Foundation, you can help support the educational work of Bethlen Gábor College. In addition, you can contribute to the operation of our Foundation’s talent workshops, cultural, youth and cultural events aimed at the intellectual development of students, the enrichment of their cultural knowledge and the strengthening of our Hungarian community.
  • It can help to provide Hungarian-language education to students from the diaspora and contribute to the creation of social/demand scholarship opportunities for our students.
  • If you agree to support the above goals, you can provide an additional resource for the Bethlen Gábor Foundation, which we can use as a tool to improve the cultural, educational and social life of our school community. You can increase the number of students supported by the Foundation.

You can donate your personal income tax to our foundation as follows:

Those who earned income as employees in 2022 must complete Form No. 230.

You can download the form to your computer from this page, where you will also find information about our foundation:

How to fill in:

  • You must fill in the cells your name, address, ID number, e-mail address, telephone number and signature.

Our data:

Denumire enitate non-profit: Fundația Bethlen Gabor

Cod de identificare fiscală al entităţii non-profit: 12878880

Cont bancar (IBAN): RO50RZBR000006000304141

You can send the documents by post or take them in person to the Tax Office. Forms must be sent to the tax office responsible for the area.

!!! The forms can also be delivered to the Foundation’s registered office (Aiud, 1 Bethlen Gábor Street) and we will take care of sending them to the Tax Office.

!!! We will provide a printed copy of the form at the Foundation office, filled in with your organisation’s details, you only need to fill in your own details.

Come and see us!

Deadline for submission of forms: 25 May 2023

If you do not take advantage of the option to donate 3.5% of your personal income tax to an NGO to support its activities, this amount will be paid into the state treasury.

© 2023. | Minden jog fenntartva.