The aim of the Foundation is to support the educational work of the Bethlen Gábor College in Aiud, to support talented students and teachers.
To achieve this, the Foundation has the following objectives:
- Establish scholarships for talented and socially disadvantaged students.
- Rewarding students who achieve excellent academic results.
- Support for students’ literary activities.
- Publishing textbooks, monographs, organising student conferences.
- Support for cultural and sporting activities.
- Support for school drama.
- Teachers who have achieved outstanding results and success are rewarded every year.
- Establishment and awarding of the Bethlen Prize for retiring teachers.
- Financial support for the renovation and maintenance of the school.
- Organising events for young students.
- Support for Hungarian language education.
- Creating and supporting the conditions necessary for the smooth running of the educational mission, including: classrooms, library, canteen, boarding houses, gymnasium, sports fields.
- Fostering friendly relations between other nationalities and peoples.
- Organising interethnic and intercultural events.
- Organising multicultural traditional events to learn about each other’s traditions.
- Establishing and maintaining relations with other foundations, associations, legal and physical persons, national and international institutions.