Dear readers!
On this page, you can read about our talent points operated by the Gábor Bethlen Foundation. The aim of our foundation is to provide as many extracurricular activities as possible for college students, which have a developmental effect.
Many activities have a tradition of several years, by clicking “HERE” , below you can read detailed summaries that present the achievements of the talent workshops from the beginning to the present.
In recent years, we have taken advantage of many project opportunities, with the help of which the Gábor Bethlen Foundation has been able to provide great financial support for talent workshops.
1. Bethlen Gábor College Choir
The choir owes a lot to the retired music teacher Éva Fórika, as she has always been able to teach the students high quality performances thanks to her professional knowledge. “I have always been aware of the responsibility of representing the famous college.” – says Éva Forika. Her background summary, report of his successful experiences, photos and records can be viewed HERE.
2. The ensemble of old music and old dances Collegium Gabrielense
On May 18, 2019, Bethlen Day was organized for the first time. On this occasion, the former instructors of the ensemble, teacher Piroska Demény, teacher Mária Kónya and teacher Gyöngyi Tomai, were invited. The celebration program was followed by a meeting, where the participants decided to make a Commemorative Album for the 30th anniversary of the Collegium Gabrielense ensemble based on the photos and notes taken at the events. These reports can be viewed HERE.
3. Theater troupe “Inverse Horseshoe”
The theater troupe of the Bethlen Gábor College in Aiud, called the Reverse Horseshoe, started its activity in the 2017-18 school year under the leadership of teachers Katalin Fodor and Katalin Krecsák-Szölösi, with 23 high school students. The main purpose of the Reverse Horseshoe Theater Circle is to provide a development space for talented students, to give them the opportunity to explore a new field and develop their creativity. You can read more about the activities of the circle HERE.
4. Fügevirág folk dance ensemble
At Bethlen Gábor College, almost every generation has had its own folk dance group for decades. The college has always emphasized the importance of tradition and culture. Folk dance classes were held weekly as an extracurricular activity. The Fügevirág dance ensemble was formed by the students of Bethlen Gábor College in Aiud. you can read a lot of information about the group’s activities HERE.
5. Fenichel Sámuel self-education group
The objectives of the self-education group are: to support and promote the academic activities of students within the college, to ensure working conditions for our students, to organize academic sessions for students and to ensure the necessary funding, to present the natural, historical, architectural and ethnographic tourist attractions of Aiud and surroundings. You can read more information about the group’s activities HERE.
6. ,,Student’s Voice” school newspaper
In the school year of 2023/24, the Bethlen Gábor College re-established its school newspaper. The students of the College are learning the skills of journalism with the help of their teachers. They take part in workshops where they tinker about the outlook of their newspaper, learn about magazines and re-think and add to their own writing. The newspaper, like every school newspaper, will focus on the daily life of Bethlen Gábor College. It will present the stuent’s life, the most important news and events of the community. You can read interviews with both students and teachers, reports on academic competitions, introductions to the enthusiastic team of the Student Council, camp experiences, sporting events. Readers will also find film reviews, reading experiences, and students’ own work, be it poems, short stories, photos or videos.
Read the latest issue of our newspaper HERE.