Road Towards The Michelin Star – Professional Scholarship



The Board of the Bethlen Gábor Foundation in Aiud and the Scholarship Committee of Bethlen Gábor College in Aiud are inviting applications for the “Road towards the Michelin Star” Scholarship. The aim is to stimulate interest in the profession among students. The prize is awarded once a year at the graduation ceremony. One prize of RON 300 will be awarded for the first time in 2021.

Eligible applicants: the prize is open to graduating students of Section XI.C.

Application requirements:

-Filling in the application form

-Completing a coursework project:

  1. Write a professional letter of motivation, indicating to the committee why you are worthy of the scholarship. An example to follow when writing a professional motivation letter is the model used in the Ethics and Communication (ECP) class in grade X.
  2. Event management:
  • Organising the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the College. The organisation process should include the following details:

menu (dishes and drinks, and details of what is on the menu)

serving method + argue what you have decided on the basis of

quotation and reply

room layout (this can be drawn in word or drawn and attached separately)

decoration of the room

write down how many tools you need

Formal requirements

Times New Roman 12 characters, justified, 1.5 line spacing

Criteria for the evaluation of the application:

  • 50% of the submitted application
  • 20% – the average grade point average for grades IX and X
  • 30% – average of subjects in grade XI


1. Completed application form

2. Coursework (professional cover letter and event organisation)

3. Proof of academic achievements:

  • Grades IX-X grade point average: with a copy of the student check
  • Grade XI subject average: certificate issued by the subject teacher

Where and how to apply: on paper, at the office of the Bethlen Gábor Foundation

Deadline for submission of applications: 20-24 May 2024.




Szőcs Ildikó,                                                                                                                          Kerekes Erika

President, Director                                                                                            Chairman of the Scholarship Committee

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