Sepsi Noémi Zsuzsanna Prize



The Board of the Bethlen Gábor Foundation in Aiud and the Scholarship Committee of Bethlen Gábor College in Aiud are inviting applications for the Sepsi Noémi Zsuzsanna Prize. The prize is offered by the parents of the late Sepsi Noémi Zsuzsanna, a senior at the college, Sepsi Lajos and Márta, who have donated RON 1000, which they have set up a foundation to secure. The life of Sepsi Noémi Zsuzsanna ended tragically. After graduation, she was preparing for a career in law. The aim of the donation is to cherish the memory of Sepsi Noémi Zsuzsanna and to promote interest in Hungarian language and literature among the students of the college. The prize will be awarded once a year at the graduation ceremony, the first time during the 2017 graduation ceremony.

ELIGIBILE APPLICANTS: The prize is open to Grade 12 students who have achieved the best results in the Mikes Kelemen Hungarian Language and Literature Subject Competition.


  • The prize is awarded to the XII grade student who has achieved the highest grade point average in Hungarian language and literature during the four years of high school and has been awarded a distinction in the national section of the Mikes Kelemen Hungarian Language and Literature Subject Competition (aggregating the prizes won during the years of high school).
  • 80% average in Hungarian language over the 4 years
  • 20% score based on competition results



1. Application form

2. Proof of academic results (in Hungarian language and literature):

– Grades IX-XI grade point averages – with a copy of the student check

– Grade XII grade point average – with a certificate from the teacher who taught the subject

3. Proof of competition results (copy of diploma or certificate issued by the head teacher)

PLACE AND METHOD OF SUBMISSION: On paper, at the office of the Bethlen Gábor Foundation

TENDER PERIOD: 7-9 May 2025

Download Application Form


Szőcs Ildikó
President, director
Galambfalvi Angyalka
Chairman of the Scholarship Committee
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