Prizes and scholarships:

The Scholarship Committee of the Bethlen Gábor College in Aiud, at its meeting held on 27 May 2021, evaluated the applications for scholarships and prizes for this academic year, and the following results were obtained:

1.Dr. Hangody László Scholarship winners:

Oniga Kriszta – XII A student: 9.92 points

Császár Mózes – XII A student: 9.92 points

Due to equal points, the prize will be divided into two equal parts.

2.Sepsi Noémi Zsuzsanna Prize winner:

Oniga Kriszta – Class XII A student: 11 points

3.Winners of the Bajusz Pál Prize:

Köble Norbert -XII A class student

Kónya Virág-XII B class student

4.Simon László Scholarship winner:

Oniga Kriszta-XII. class A student: 10.106 points

5.Winner of the Stefanovszky Tertiary Education Scholarship:

Kónya Virág -XII.B student: 10 points

6.Winner of the Road towards the Michelin Star scholarship:

Polgár Réka -XI.C student: 6.46 points.

These results were also approved by the Board of Trustees of the Bethlen Gábor Foundation.

Non-applied prizes:

  • Past and Future Prize (History Department): Császár Mózes, XII.A
  • Vita Zsigmond Prize (Hungarian Cathedral): Bitai Bolykó Blanka Mária, XII.B
  • Bethlen Gábor Foundation prizes (community activities): Kis Aranka Enikő, XII.A, Székely Mónika, XII.B,  Polgár Réka, XI.C
  • RMDSZ Prize (average of four years of study): Sikó Dalma, XII.A
  • RMPSZ Prize (Pedagogy Department):  Szakács Izabella, XII.B, Katona Anna, XII.B
  • Fari-Palkó László Prize: Orbán Zsolt Attila, XII.B
  • Prize of Dr.  Brendus Gyula Association: Magyari Brigitta, XII.B
  • Bod Péter Foundation Prize (for achievements in scientific research): Bőjte Ádám, Dimén Bálint
  • Reformed Diocese of Aiud: Lukács Orsolya, XII.B
  • Rimbás Viktor Prize (Physical Education): Bárdi Olivér, XII.A, Dobai Gabriella, XII.A, Keresztesi Péter, XII.A, Szakács Endre, XII.B, Székely Szabolcs, XII.B, Orbán Zsolt Attila, XII.B
  • Deák Fogarasi Elek Prize (Physical Education): Szabó Csaba, XII.B, Székely Attila, XI.C
  • Ferencz Sándor Prize (Physical Education): Mihácsa Nándor, XII.A, Vernes Dávid, XII.A
  • Georgia Restaurant Prize (technology cathedra): Kerekes Anita, XI.C
  • Lázár István Prize: Dobai Gabriella, Kónya Virág, Köble Norbert
  • Collegium Gabrielense prizes: Bárdi Olivér,  Demeter Evelin,  Köble Norbert, Mihácsa Nándor,  Molnár-Feri Jessyca,  Oniga Kriszta, Takács Alexandra
  • Prizes for the Reverse Horseshoe Theatre Group: Bőjte Ádám, Dimén Bálint,  Katona Anna, Knipfl Dóra, Kocsis Judit, Kónya Virág
  • Prizes for Fügevirág folk dance group: Kónya Virág, Elekes Evila,  Szakács Endre,  Knipfl Dóra, Antal Emőke,  Vernes Dávid, Kocsis Judit, Csegezi Balázs Orsolya, Horváth Ingrid, Magyari Brigitta
  • 121.Bethlen Gábor Scout Troop: Knipfl Dóra, Kónya Virág, Vernes Dávid

Hearty congratulations to the graduating students! We wish them success in achieving their goals and dreams!

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